Sam & I are over the moon to add a baby to our family! Test have been taken, doctors have been seen, shopping has begun, and a nursery is underway.
Baby Johnston due April 2024!!!!

Feeling motivated to blog again and so for the next few months I plan to use this as a little journal to the 1 million thoughts constantly going through my head- hope you’re ready for this.

Am I eating the right foods? Are my skincare products still okay to use? Does my stroller need to be the same brand as my carseat? Do I really need flashcards for my newborn? (Yes, one podcast recommended flashcards for a NEWBORN!) The expectations and standards set on pregnant mommas is WILD! The information pushed upon parents-to-be contradicts itself and each book has “the best advice and tricks” to raise the “perfect baby”.
I know I am not the only first time mom out there overwhelmed and genuinely confused.

Trimester 1: WOW, we’re pregnant! This was not planned, so finding out was quit the shock when I peed on a stick one Sunday morning. Tears immediately ran down my face, I was home alone and in shock at all the lines on the multiple sticks indicating positive. I kept showing the dogs the stick as if they were going to be excited with me. I just waited and waited for Sam to come home from what seemed like the longest golf game in history.
A big hug came from Sam once he got home and we both were already discussing ways to tell our family and friends. Within minutes I was trying to figure out what to call the little seed inside of me, planning a nursery, and stressing about finding a daycare. Yes, the thoughts running through my head were overwhelming and it was early, approximately 4 weeks to be exact, anything could still happen stil.

How many test is too many? Every few days I was taking a test just to make sure. I mean, waiting 8 weeks for a “pregnancy confirmation” from your OBGYN is TORTURE!
Que the car rides filled with audio books, podcasts and forums to start prepping for baby while we waited. One book said pregnancy brain isn’t real while the next refers to pregnancy brain constantly as a normal part to pregnancy. One book told me how much weight I should gain each trimester while the other told me to ignore my weight for the time being. One book said no fish in your diet while the other said just certain fish.
5 books and 2 podcasts in by 6 weeks and 4 days and I was over “professionals” telling me how my pregnancy should be.

However, honest time: I am worried about leaving work for maternity leave, how the dogs will do with a baby, how my body will change and what this will do for my marriage.
These are the questions I wish I had real answers to.

When do future moms get a minute to relax and enjoy this process?
Fast forward to now, 24 weeks in and working on staying sane to make sure baby Johnston is healthy and happy! Oh and surprise, Baby Johnston is a GIRL!

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