Hey friends. I’m sharing one of my favorite house projects yet. This one has been on the to-do list since we moved in 2 years ago now. I was a little hesitant to start because I knew this one would take some time. After lots of prep work and time I’m happy to say we completed our door makeovers and I LOVE THEM!

It’s crazy to believe how much a house can change with just some paint, trim and patience. I can not believe how updated our house now looks. It was 100% worth the time and I would do it over again. Plus this was such an affordable makeover!

Here are the supplies we used (trim and hardware):


  1. Remove the doors from hinges and remove hardware.
  2. Sand doors completely.
  3. Cut trim measurements. Our doors are extremely old and our measurements will most likely be different than yours. In general, we used a size guide of 5 inches from the top and all sides for our trim with 6 inches from the bottom of the door and a 6 inch gap between the 2 trims.
  4. With the nail gun, nail your trim according to your measurements.
  5. Paint Primer. Wait overnight.
    1. During this time you can also spray paint your hardware. Tip: use boxes to help hold your hardware up to fully cover with spray paint.
  6. Caulk door around trim once completely dry.
  7. Sand door again.
  8. Paint First coat. Wait overnight. We used our Sawhorses to hold our doors. With this we had to paint one side at a time and then once fully dry, flip and wait overnight again.
  9. Paint second coat, if needed. We did 2 coats on all our doors to ensure coverage.
  10. Hang doors, put hardware back on.
  11. ENJOY and ADMIRE!

Tah Dah, finished and in LOVE. The work was worth it and I’m happy with the results. Stay turned to see how things are holding up in a few months. If you are wondering about doing a project like this yourself, DO IT. You will not regret it, jump on in. If you have any questions, please reach out. I’ll help in any way I can but remember, I’m a beginner and learning along the way too!

Don’t forget to subscribe to ‘A Dose of Abby’ to stay caught up with new projects and everyday things. Hummmm…what will come next???

Category : DIY